Delivery solutions

Our data your way

Access our data through the delivery method you want

Access our data through the delivery method you want

Whether you’re already working with existing workflow tools or have a data-savvy team looking to integrate our data into internal models and data lakes, we’ll help you access our data in whatever way makes sense for you.

You can find more detailed info below or get in touch if you have a question about accessing our data...

API solutions– automate your risk analysis and management programs

API solutions– automate your risk analysis and management programs

Use our API solutions to seamlessly integrate risk data into the platform of your choice.

Data visualisation connector – go from data to insight in seconds

Laptop with Verisk Maplecroft data in Power Bi

Data visualisation connector – go from data to insight in seconds

Plug in the world’s most powerful geospatial risk data with your favourite business intelligence tool to deliver powerful insights.

GIS connector – Enhance your risk identification with pinpoint mapping

Laptop with Verisk Maplecroft data in Esri

GIS connector – Enhance your risk identification with pinpoint mapping

Integrate and visualise the world’s most comprehensive and granular global risk data in ESRI’s GIS software or open source GIS technology.

Third-party platforms - access data through trusted solutions

Laptop with Verisk Maplecroft data in Resilinc

Third-party platforms - access data through trusted solutions

Access our data via Open:Factset and AWS: Data Marketplace, alongside SupplyShift, Resilinc, and Assent Compliance, with SAP Ariba coming soon.

Have a question about accessing our data, or maybe something else?

Global Risk Data

Risk data mapped on a globe

Global Risk Data

Dashboards are only as good as the content driving them, learn about our Global Risk Data.


Global Risk Dashboard | GRiD

Laptop - Global Risk Dashboard

Global Risk Dashboard | GRiD

Your single source of global risk intelligence