Our robust geospatial Dataset precisely captures each risk defined in the law, enabling consistent and accurate risk analysis across your entire supply chain. The LkSG risk analysis requirements include:
global risk indices capturing all LkSG human rights and environmental risks and other relevant issues
*figures exclude context-dependent factors
Human rights prohibitions
Environmental prohibitions
Political framework conditions
Vulnerable groups of people
Our robust Dataset covers all risks defined in the law, including all human rights and environmental prohibitions (mercury pollution, hazardous waste and persistent organic pollutants), as well as factors such as political risks and the exposure of vulnerable groups of people to related harms
The data covers all sectors, industries and countries at national and subnational resolutions, as well as key raw materials, enabling geospatial risk analysis across all tiers of your supply chain
The methodologies of our industry and country risk datasets map to OECD guidelines, while our human rights indices build on the UN OHCHR’s ‘protect, respect, remedy’ framework
Our indices can be used to prioritise high-risk issues across industries, purchasing categories, sites and suppliers
GRiD, our Global Risk Dashboard, is a powerful, intuitive and scalable risk analysis platform. Its geospatial capabilities can provide risk scores at either national or subnational-levels. GRiD allows you to input the locations of your suppliers, operations and assets, bridging the divide between our data and yours through its analysis and integration (API) features.
Our dedicated client success and expert analyst teams are on hand to help you get the most out of the Dataset. With decades of practical knowledge and experience, we can support you with the law’s risk analysis requirements and more, including:
Make robust and objective risk-adjusted decisions quickly with the support of our data, Global Risk Dashboard (GRiD) and HREDD experts
Get the risk analysis you need for all relevant LkSG risks across countries, industries and raw materials
Focus your actions by using our comprehensive risk data to identify high-risk issues across your own business areas and suppliers
Our expert HREDD analysts and dedicated client success team are on hand to help you meet the law’s requirements
Would you like to learn more about how we can help you with the German Supply Chain Act? Speak to our experts and request a demo today.
We will contextualise the law and explore why it is so challenging to comply with and how our data, platforms, and advisory services can help
Global Risk Dashboard (GRiD) is your single source of global risk intelligence. Its easy to use, provides unique analytics capabilities, and powerful visuals.
Manage risk across the entire human rights due diligence cycle covering issues such as modern slavery and child labour with world leading data and an expert team
Global risk analytics, commodity data and advisory solutions providing 360° risk assessments of ESG and disruption factors across all tiers of the supply chain