Sustainable supply chain

Enhancing supply chain resilience, sustainability and compliance with best-in-class global risk data


Capucine May - Sustainable Procurement & Human Rights Consultant
Capucine May
Sustainable Procurement & Human Rights Analyst
Transparent 1x1 px


  • A greater understanding of ESG risks in your supply chain
  • Enhanced resilience to potential disruptions
  • Better commercial performance through improved supplier due diligence
  • Robust strategic decision-making for new sourcing strategies
  • Meeting legal requirements for human rights and environmental due diligence
  • Building a credible reputation in supply chain management
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How we help improve supply chain resilience and sustainability

Measure ESG and political risks across the entire supplier base

Pairing your supply chain sites with our data provides you with unparalleled insights into the full scope of environmental, social and political risks for 198 countries and 80 industries worldwide. You will have access to the world’s only subnational human rights data set, encompassing 10 issues, including child and forced labour, for 3,600 states and regions. Used in tandem with our subnational environmental indices for risks such as deforestation and water quality, we can pinpoint supplier exposure to responsible sourcing risks worldwide.

Prioritise suppliers for action in sourcing, performance management and auditing decisions

By segmenting suppliers using metrics such as geographic risk, type (direct / indirect), industry, spend, materiality and criticality, you will be able to identify and prioritise high-risk entities and become more strategic with sourcing initiatives, supplier performance management and your auditing decisions.

Assess risks deep within the supply chain

By drawing on our Commodity Risk Dataset, which covers the key ESG risks for 160+ raw materials, you will be able to get an instant, actionable view of the risks concealed in the lowest tiers of the supply chain in major producing countries.

Structured supply chain data, delivered in a format that suits you

Depending on organisation size and supplier types, different supplier management systems are appropriate. Our sustainable procurement solutions can be delivered via our online platform, the Global Risk Dashboard (GRiD), or through API, Excel and Power BI, which can be integrated into existing supplier management systems.

Build a SMART SAQ capability

If auditing budgets are limited or it’s not practical to deploy audits for certain supplier types, a SMART SAQ approach can help collect reliable information on supplier due diligence processes. Our solution ensures that suppliers are asked only the most relevant questions, based on their issue-specific risk scores.


Guide - How to use Global Risk Data to build supply chain resilience

How to use global risk data to build supply chain resilience

Download our guide to learn more about how to put this into action and make your business more resilient.


Get in touch today to discuss how we can help you with our Sustainable supply chain solutions…

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