Commodity ESG investing

Build ESG and climate risk analytics into your commodity investment strategies

Commodity investments are uniquely attractive, but the environmental, social and governance (ESG) consequences of their production can no longer be ignored.

The production and delivery of commodities involves a wide range of ESG issues

The Responsible Investor’s Guide to Commodities

Knoepfel and Imbert (2011)

Our Commodity ESG solutions build on our Commodity ESG Risk Analytics, the most comprehensive, comparable dataset available on the material ESG, climate, natural capital and political risks of global commodity production. Together with our custom ESG research and trusted advisory work, we deliver unique commodity ESG incorporation solutions that help investors make informed, responsible commodity investment decisions.

Our Commodity ESG solutions

Our commodity ESG solutions support investment managers, asset owners and hedge funds with ESG incorporation and risk monitoring, as well as counterparty and transaction due diligence

Commodity ESG Risk Analytics

Our commodity risk dataset provides the world’s most comprehensive, comparable data on the key ESG risks at the production stage of major global commodities, delivering a unique commodity ESG integration solution.

ESG research and advisory

Through leveraging our unique datasets and applied expertise, we provide trusted advice and support to enhance how you assess commodity sustainability issues, strengthen your due diligence, and comply with disclosure requirements.

Learn more about our Commodity ESG solutions

What’s different about our Commodity ESG Risk Analytics?

Through our Commodity ESG Risk Analytics, we can help you incorporate ESG factors to build responsible commodity investment strategies

Unique ESG data

No other comprehensive dataset on the ESG, climate and political risks of commodity production exists. We provide a unique solution that can help you take a market leading position

Outstanding coverage

Our commodity ESG data assesses 20 material ESG, climate and political risks at the farm- or mine-level production stage across 40 Tier 1 and ~130 Tier 2 commodities

Transparent approach

Our specialised scoring methodology combines expert, commodity specific ESG research and our world-class country risk data, with all underlying evidence and indicator data available

Commodity ESG Risk Analytics benefits

Consistent & comparable

Our methodology and scoring system enable robust benchmarking and comparison across commodities, categories, producer countries and risks

Make informed decisions

Draw on our unique commodity ESG data and expert analysts’ knowledge to better inform your commodity investment decision-making

Align with client values

We assess 20 material risks, aligning with responsible investment policies and investor issues of concern so you can build products that suit your clients

Commodities use cases

Investment managers

Our commodity ESG data supports responsible investors working to incorporate ESG into traditional macro commodity and multi-asset strategies, as well as innovative alternative strategies such as trade finance


Asset owners

Through our extensive advisory expertise, we leverage our ESG data to support transaction due diligence for investors considering direct investments in agriculture, aquaculture and timberland assets


Hedge funds

For hedge funds seeking alternative data to build new strategies, our ESG data offers a unique commodity investment perspective to enter the commodity ESG investing space early while ESG is still immature in the asset class


Learn how our data and analysts can help support

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Sovereign ESG intelligence


Real asset ESG, climate & nature risk


Commodity ESG investing


Equities & Corporate debt