Building on our extensive experience in quantifying political violence, the Global SRCC Predictive Scores is unlike anything else currently in the market.
Quickly identify portfolio exposure to future SRCC events using a data-driven predictive approach, instead of inconsistent, often qualitative, time-intensive, historical assessments
Make better, more informed decisions and price policies with confidence using a quantitative assessment of SRCC risk validated against actual loss data
Better define your risk appetite, anticipate future SRCC related losses and control exposure by setting appropriate limits and capacity
Improve visibility on frequency, location, and size of SRCC events, revealing opportunities to underwrite new Political Violence/SRCC policies
Capture gains and savings by creating intelligent and bespoke coverage for policy holders by using a more granular view of SRCC risk
Easily integrate into your Political Violence/SRCC workflows via API or Verisk platforms (Touchstone / Sequel Impact), which can be used to assess exposure accumulation
Perform quantitative assessments of SRCC risk to help price and review premiums, ensure written risks adhere to exposure limits or carve out relevant risks
Undertake assessments of future SRCC risk to your portfolio to help determine and set exposure limits, anticipate losses and refine PML (Probable Maximum Loss) estimates
Use forward-looking data to forecast risk 12 months in advance and model SRCC exposure
Assess the potential risk of SRCC events, informing scope and price of reinsurance cover
Use granular location data to help quantify SRCC scope and inform, with confidence, on the SRCC risk profile for insurance and reinsurance cover
Would you like to learn more about how the Global SRCC Predictive Scores can help you? Speak to our experts and request a demo today.
Prior to the US election in November 2024, the risk of SRCC in the United States was about the same level as it was in early 2020. This was just before the historically large riots in May and June of that year and many thought the 2024 election would be a major spark of unrest. Read this whitepaper to see how our two proprietary SRCC tools were used to assess these hazards.
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