
On demand

    Preparing for the Next Frontier in ESG: Social and Human Rights Risk Management
    13 March 2025

    In partnership with Responsible Investor: Learn how to effectively measure and manage social and human rights risks in your investment portfolio through practical, data-driven approaches.

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    The Omnibus proposal: What's next for the CSDDD, CSRD and EU Taxonomy
    12 March 2025

    Discover how the EU's new Omnibus proposal is set to transform corporate sustainability obligations and learn what your organisation needs to know about the changing regulatory landscape.

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    Political Risk Outlook: Geopolitics takes centre stage
    15 January 2025

    Join us for this webinar where we will discuss the key issues uncovered in this year’s Political Risk Outlook in further detail.

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    Inflection Points 2024-Q4: Labour rights in focus
    10 December 2024

    This World Human Rights Day we’ll be taking a closer look at the human rights landscape, unpacking the factors influencing a global decline in workers’ rights and protections.

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    How to identify and assess human rights and social risks in your portfolio
    4 December 2024

    Accurately identifying and managing climate- and nature-related risks remains a challenge for investors, yet increasing reputational scrutiny, stakeholder pressure and a greater understanding of the interconnectedness of risks mean that human rights due diligence has already become the next frontier for the financial industry.

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    From Risk Assessment to Business Transformation: co-creating human rights solutions
    20 November 2024

    International standards and an evolving legal landscape on human rights and environmental due diligence require companies to assess, prioritise and treat the risks and impacts they find in their operations and supply chains.

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    Transforming equity analysis with location-specific corporate risk data
    23 October 2024

    In today's rapidly evolving financial landscape, investors face risk from multiple angles: climate change, nature's decline and potential association with human rights breaches.

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    Locating risk and unlocking value with Asset Risk Exposure Analytics (AREA)
    10 September 2024

    Learn how to reveal hidden vulnerabilities and strengths in the operations of firms worldwide and gain an entirely new perspective on companies’ risk and sustainability profiles.

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    Inflection Points: Risks to watch 2024-Q3
    29 August 2024

    Hear about the rise in global political risk, unrest in the world’s major economies, and the growing importance of environmental concerns within the due diligence landscape.

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    Decoding the complexity of sustainable and resilient supply chain risk with industry risk data
    27 August 2024

    Understand how to make comparisons and decisions across key sustainability and resilience issues affecting the continuity and integrity of your operations.

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    Managing political and geopolitical risks to build resilience
    2 July 2024

    This webinar will explore how increased political and geopolitical tensions are impacting global risk management through increased political volatility, which can lead to shifts in the operating environment in affected countries.

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    Uncover supply chain risks sector-by-sector with leading Industry Risk Analytics
    26 June 2024

    We will show how our Industry Risk Analytics provides a scalable, data-driven approach for assessing the locations and industries of where you and your suppliers operate, making your screening, due diligence and regulatory reporting processes more efficient.

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  • Sovereign ESG Ratings
    Sovereign ESG Update – Sustainability progress waning as politics takes centre stage
    29 May 2024

    In this quarter’s Sovereign ESG Ratings update, we take a look at how in this politically pivotal year ESG issues are falling down governments’ to do lists, and focus on some of the key underlying drivers of change.

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  • The Trendline Series
    Human rights, climate and environment: Risks to watch in 2024
    12 March 2024

    With the regulatory landscape governing human rights, climate and environmental issues becoming increasingly stringent and interconnected, these risks should be at the top of boardroom agendas. In this webinar, we will highlight the risks that business and investors need to be on top of for the coming 12 months, including policy implications from COP28 and beyond, why climate is on the ballot in 2024, the EU Deforestation Regulation, and the human rights impacts of the energy transition.

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  • Sovereign ESG Ratings
    Sovereign ESG Update – Setbacks in a tumultuous world
    5 March 2024

    The political, geopolitical and fiscal backdrop to this quarter’s Sovereign ESG Ratings update could hardly be less conducive to progress. Some countries are managing to defy challenges to deliver better outcomes – Brazil, South Africa and Indonesia are leading examples this quarter – but more are exhibiting signs of strain, such as Czech Republic, Poland and Peru.

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  • The Trendline Series
    EMEA: Risks to watch in 2024
    28 February 2024

    In this webinar, we will unpack the major themes and issues to watch in Europe, the Middle East and Africa over the next 12 months, including the wider implications of the Israel-Hamas conflict, the ongoing maritime security crisis in the Red Sea, and the continued fallout from the war in Ukraine.

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  • The Trendline Series
    Americas: Risks to watch in 2024
    21 February 2024

    The Americas enter the 2024 electoral supercycle with ballots in the US, Mexico and potentially Canada. In this webinar, we will examine the wider implications of these elections on issues such as global trade and investment, regional cooperation, and efforts to overcome the region’s inherent security challenges.

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  • The Trendline Series
    APAC: Risks to watch in 2024
    14 February 2024

    Several of APAC’s leading economies are set to head to the polls this year, including Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, and Pakistan. In this webinar, we will use our data to examine the potential fallout from these ballots, including where the risks of election-related unrest and instability are highest.

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    Assessing strikes, riots and civil commotion (SRCC) risk for insurers
    30 January 2024

    Over half of all countries have seen an increase in strikes, riots and civil commotion (SRCC) in the last year alone, while insured losses linked to major bouts of unrest have reached new highs in recent years.

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    Navigating climate risk in a dynamic reporting landscape
    16 November 2023

    Join us to understand how our new Climate Risk Dataset can help you build resilience to climate change and navigate the new era of sustainability-related reporting and risk management standards.

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  • Sovereign ESG Ratings
    Sovereign ESG Update - Climate in Focus
    8 November 2023

    Join us for our latest Sovereign ESG Ratings update, where we will be assessing performance across emerging and developed markets and, ahead of COP 28, taking a deeper dive into what Transition Risk means for sovereign investors.

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  • Sovereign ESG Ratings
    Sovereign ESG – Countries to Watch
    25 July 2023

    Investors in sovereign debt face significant challenges when it comes to understanding issuers’ ESG profiles, and their performance relative to their peers.

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    Risk data and the German Supply Chain Act: Why compliance depends on it
    26 April 2023

    We will contextualise the law and explore why it is so challenging to comply with and how our data, platforms, and advisory services can help.

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    The Trendline - Decoding the global risk landscape in 2023
    8 March 2023

    Our new series of analysis, ‘The Trendline,’ helps companies navigate the increasingly complex global risk environment, in which ESG + Political issues have become increasingly interlinked and result in varying impacts for different regions and industries.

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    Transitioning to ESRS is a huge task - Get started today with our ESRS Gap Analysis Tool
    26 January 2023

    TIn this webinar, we will provide an overview of our ESRS Gap Analysis Tool, which is designed to get your transition to ESRS started today, without waiting months for the results of your new materiality assessment.

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    Forced labour focus: How to comply with increasingly demanding modern slavery laws from 2023
    17 November 2022

    The proposed EU ban on products made with forced labour adds to a growing list of human rights due diligence laws that companies must comply with.

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  • Sovereign ESG Ratings
    Risks and opportunities for sovereign investors in the Americas region - lessons from our new Ratings
    23 March 2022

    Governments in the Americas are major issuers of hard currency debt and make up a large share of typical developed and emerging-market sovereign portfolios

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  • Sovereign ESG Ratings
    Setting a new standard - introducing Verisk Maplecroft's new dataset for sovereign investors
    9 March 2022

    Despite growing pressure from asset owners and regulators, sovereign debt investors still struggle to incorporate environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors into the investment process

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  • Human Rights Outlook Series
    Getting to grips with the 'S' in ESG
    18 November 2021

    Dissecting this year's Human Rights Outlook through a financial lens

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  • Human Rights Outlook Series
    Analysing human rights risk - From cities to supply chain
    2 November 2021

    Dissecting this year's Human Rights Outlook through a corporate lens

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  • Latin America Series
    Latin America 2021 Series: Latin American democracy at a crossroads
    4 August 2021

    In this webinar, we will analyse the ESG implications of recent election results in Peru and Mexico. COVID-19 has hit Latin America harder than any other region - in health, economic and political terms - and Peruvian and Mexican voters have reacted unevenly.

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  • Latin America Series
    Serie América Latina 2021: La encrucijada de la democracia en América Latina
    4 de agosto 2021

    En este webinar, vamos a analizar las implicaciones de las recientes elecciones en Perú y México en términos de riesgos ESG. La pandemia de la COVID-19 ha impactado a América Latina más severamente que a cualquier otra región del mundo, considerando indicadores de salud pública, economía y política. Sin embargo, los votantes en México y Perú han reaccionado de maneras distintas.

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  • Energy Quarterly Series
    Social disruption and the energy transition – the ‘S’ part of ESG
    22 June 2021

    The switch from fossil fuel-based power generation to renewable energy sources is an existential issue for the planet, as nations race to decarbonize their economies. However, while the Energy Transition is an environmental necessity, it will also drive disruptive social and economic changes, with their own winners and losers.

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  • Environmental Risk Outlook Series
    Climate litigation and biodiversity head emerging risks
    16 June 2021

    The rise of climate-related court cases raises the prospect of companies facing claims for untold damages. To date, cases have largely been limited to North America, but Verisk Maplecroft’s new Climate Litigation Index tracks the increasingly global spread of law suits, while new legal approaches means energy companies aren’t the only organisations in the firing line.

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  • Environmental Risk Outlook Series
    Can we avoid a disorderly transition?
    2 June 2021

    The G20 countries make up 80% of global emissions, but almost none are in line to meet 2030 carbon reduction targets. If they do intend to meet those goals, the US, China, Europe and the UK will need a swathe of broad policy measures.

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  • Environmental Risk Outlook Series
    Cities on the frontline of climate and environmental threats
    20 May 2021

    Right now over half the world now lives in cities and by 2050 that will rise to two thirds. That puts billions of people across the planet’s largest urban centres on the frontline of environmental risks, ranging from air pollution, to water stress and natural hazards.

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  • Latin America Series
    Political (in)stability on South America's Pacific coast
    15 April 2021

    The COVID-19 pandemic will heavily dictate the evolution of economic, governance and social risks in Latin America in the coming decade.

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  • Latin America Series
    (In)estabilidad política en el Pacífico sudamericano
    15 Abril 2021

    El shock económico de la COVID-19 determinará la evolución de riesgos sociopolíticos en América Latina para la próxima década, como así también pondrá si la region puede forjar la voluntad política necesaria para resolver los desafíos que enfrenta.

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  • Political Risk Outlook series
    Supply chains: how to handle heightened political risks in 2021
    25 March 2021

    In the wake of a tumultuous 2020, and with President Biden already reshaping US policy on multiple fronts, the global business landscape is in a state of flux.

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  • Political Risk Outlook series
    Financial markets: political risks and their investment implications in 2021
    18 March 2021

    As battered economies and political systems struggle to recover after a tumultuous 2020, global markets continue to perform robustly.

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  • Political Risk Outlook series
    Energy and natural resources: the key political risks to track in 2021
    11 March 2021

    In the wake of a tumultuous 2020, and with President Biden already beginning to reorientate US policy on multiple fronts, the global business landscape is in a state of flux.

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    Gambling his movement’s future, what’s at stake for AMLO in 2021?
    01 December 2020

    President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) started his administration making fundamental changes in the public administration. His gradual grab of independent regulators, as well as concerns over judicial independence, has increased executive encroachment that can impact policy making, governance and the economy.

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  • Coronavirus series Episode 11
    Energy supply chains in the post-pandemic world: Diversification, ownership and low-carbon
    29 October 2020

    The impact of Covid-19 on global supply chains has been unprecedented in speed and scale. As businesses and investors look for ways to return to a ‘new normal’, we will examine the challenges to corporates looking to mitigate disruption risks via geographical diversification and vertical integration; the impact of these policies on world energy markets; and the emerging ESG risks and opportunities.

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  • Human Rights Outlook series
    Asia emerges as world’s surveillance hotspot and 3 big risks to watch from Hong Kong’s national security law
    7 October 2020

    A new national security law in Hong Kong is a ‘game changer’ for human rights in the global financial hub and understanding the risks it poses to multinational companies is an important first step towards better protecting your people, assets and reputation.

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  • Human Rights Outlook series
    Child and forced labour risks spike as pandemic upends soft commodity demand
    30 September 2020

    The COVID-19 pandemic has shifted the demand of key soft commodities deepening already existent labour risks across supply chains in the Americas and sub-Saharan Africa.

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  • Human Rights Outlook series
    Modern slavery risks surge in Asia’s manufacturing hubs, pandemic worsens outlook
    16 September 2020

    Asian manufacturing hubs have seen a significant increase in modern slavery over the last four years and the risk is set to intensify as the economic fallout from the pandemic takes full hold.

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  • Coronavirus series Episode 10
    Which G20 members face the toughest post-pandemic recoveries?
    2 September 2020

    The world’s wealthiest countries are in for a rough ride as they attempt to bounce back from the economic enormity of the coronavirus pandemic.

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  • Coronavirus series Episode 9
    The COVID-19 pandemic will add fuel to fire of civil unrest
    24 June 2020

    The wave of unrest that swept the globe over the past years temporarily subsided after the emergence of COVID-19.

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  • Coronavirus series Episode 8
    How will the EU tackle the economic challenges ahead, and what are the ESG implications?
    11 June 2020

    The coronavirus pandemic has placed unprecedented economic strains on Europe. The EU has signalled a readiness to provide unprecedented financial support and break existing taboos on debt mutualisation in the eurozone. Brussels is also likely to make aid contingent upon improvements in environmental standards and the rule of law across Central And Eastern Europe.

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    TCFDs: A path to pain-free climate change disclosure
    4 June 2020

    Climate change is widely acknowledged to present a systemic risk to the oil and gas sector. In response, investors are increasingly asking for information on how companies are integrating climate-related considerations into their business operations and strategies.

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  • Coronavirus series Episode 7
    COVID-19 unravels labour rights in Asia’s garment sector
    28 May 2020

    The coronavirus pandemic has had a disastrous impact on Asian garment manufacturing hubs, with millions at risk of losing their livelihoods. Global retail companies face increasing pressure to ensure that their most vulnerable workers are not left behind.

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  • Coronavirus series Episode 6
    Is the COVID-19 pandemic the last straw for large African economies?
    14 May 2020

    Measures to contain the progression of coronavirus have exacerbated underlying health issues in major African economies. Key sub-Saharan African economies including Kenya, Nigeria and South Africa, have not, and will not, weather the reduced growth that efforts to reduce the immediate number of COVID-19 cases necessitate.

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  • Coronavirus series Episode 5
    How catastrophe models help us better understand the COVID-19 pandemic
    7 May 2020

    COVID-19 has caused disruptions in nearly all aspects of our lives: Communities, businesses, governments, and insurers have all felt the impact of this event.

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    The ESG data challenge for investors in the mining sector and the way forward
    6 May 2020

    Listen to our webinar with our sister company, Wood Mackenzie, where we examine the challenges faced by investors as well as corporate decision-makers and policy setters when using ESG data to analyse and understand mining companies’ ESG performance and exposure and how these can potentially be addressed.

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  • Coronavirus series Episode 4
    Renewed civil unrest in Latin America - a question of when, not if
    30 April 2020

    Against the backdrop of the most disappointing economic performance of any region globally over the past three years, and a major spike in civil unrest in 2019, we will evaluate the macroeconomic, market and political implications of the COVID-19 outbreak in Latin America.

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  • Coronavirus series Episode 3
    ESG implications of travel restrictions imposed in relation to COVID-19
    23 April 2020

    Travel restrictions enforced in the wake of the coronavirus are causing widespread disruption in supply chains and to company operations. Farmers are short on migrant labourers; the slump in air traffic restricts both the trade in goods and delivery of aid and expat staff have left their country of operations to work-from-home slowing down projects.

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    COVID-19 challenges social licence to operate in the renewable energy transition
    22 April 2020

    Bouts of civil unrest are common in Latin America, but 2019 saw a serious bucking of the regional trend. COVID-19 is presenting new challenges to miners, as it requires redesigning internal policies and refocusing conversations with local communities.

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  • Coronavirus series Episode 2
    The politics and economics of pandemic response
    16 April 2020

    Developed, emerging and frontier markets worldwide are deploying different combinations of public health, fiscal and monetary policy responses in a bid both to protect lives by slowing or suppressing the spread of the novel coronavirus and to limit the economic, social and political consequences of restrictions on individual and business activity.

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  • Coronavirus series Episode 1
    COVID-19 crisis and its impact on the global energy supply chain
    9 April 2020

    The rapid spread of the novel coronavirus from China around the world is having a dramatic domino effect on the global economy, and there is no sign of the situation improving.

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  • Environmental Risk Outlook series
    As environmental laws weaken, society fights back
    19 March 2020

    This is part two of two in our Environmental Risk Outlook 2020 webinar series. During this webinar, our team of analysts will touch on the dangers of populist leaders rolling back environmental laws and how this contributes to the growing wave of protests and court cases facing businesses.

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  • Environmental Risk Outlook series
    Rising seas, TCFDs, and felling trees
    19 March 2020

    This is part one of two in our Environmental Risk Outlook 2020 webinar series. During this webinar, our experts examine why sea level rise is a problem to be faced today as much as the future, outline what companies have to do to avoid falling foul of investors and regulators over climate risk disclosures, and highlight why deforestation is moving up legislative and corporate agendas.

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    Political Risk Outlook 2020
    6 February 2020

    We hosted a webinar where they explored key geopolitical issues from our Political Risk Outlook 2020. This year we use our expert analysis and predictive data to unwrap three diverse issues that will have a fundamental bearing on the way companies conduct business.

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    To what extent are ESG factors relevant to sovereign debt investing?
    1 July 2019

    Our Head of Financial Sector Risk, James Lockhart Smith, along with BlueBay’s CIO Mark Dowding and Senior EM Sovereign Strategist Graham Stock, hosted a webinar following the release of our joint research report, ‘The role of ESG factors in sovereign debt investing’.

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    Does financial materiality reflect risk and impact?
    7 February 2019

    Alongside geographic risk exposure, industry characteristics shape both what could be material for any given company and its potential external impacts.

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