With the rise of mandatory human rights and environmental due diligence (HREDD) laws, the business and human rights (BHR) landscape is becoming increasingly complex for companies, investors, and insurers. To achieve positive outcomes that go beyond mere compliance, it is critical that your supply chain, operational or portfolio risk assessments are underpinned by robust, independent data.
Our human rights risk indices constitute the only structured data covering the entire range of labour, civil and political rights for all countries. To enable more granular insight into your risk exposures, our data also features unique subnational data, which allows for the analysis of key rights in over 3000 states and counties worldwide.
These resources have been developed in full alignment with the UN OHCR and the OECD guidelines and are designed specifically to ensure that your due diligence processes are built on granular, credible, and actionable foundations.
Identify, analyse and prioritise national and subnational human rights risks
Drive focused, credible and effective due diligence processes
Conduct granular risk and impact assessments
Provide stakeholder assurance in human rights and modern slavery statements
Our Human Rights Data is the only structured set of global risk indices covering the full range of human rights and is widely recognised as the benchmark for excellence in assessing these risks. In addition, Data includes indices covering development and health issues to provide a comprehensive approach to all social risks.
Interconnected factors in other datasets: Political risk, Democratic governance, Civil unrest, Conflict, Climate risk, Food security, Drought
Easily identify and analyse risks across the full spectrum of civil, political and labour rights issues through our GRiD platform and data, or integrate into internal systems via our API
Our reputation as the world’s leading provider of global risk analytics offers you the confidence and accuracy you need to make critical decisions based on data you can trust
All our indices use the same comparable scale, helping you identify, prioritise and compare risks across more than 190+ environmental, political, social and economic issues
Created using a unique combination of data modelling, event tracking and expert judgement by our analysts to ensure the highest degree of accuracy
Location scores and interactive maps identify risks at both national and subnational levels across the globe, enabling deeper analysis and more targeted risk prioritisation
Detailed index definitions, methodologies and source information are fully available
Drive your human rights due diligence with our world-leading risk data
World-leading LkSG Risk Analysis Data, guidance and expert support for compliance with Supply Chain Act risk analysis and due diligence requirements