Webcast: Which G20 members face the toughest post-pandemic recoveries?

Coronavirus Webcast Series


The world’s wealthiest countries are in for a rough ride as they attempt to bounce back from the economic enormity of the coronavirus pandemic. But our Recovery Capacity Index, which measures more than a dozen factors that underpin, or undermine, a recovery from the crisis, predicts a two-track recovery will materialize between Western Europe and East Asian members of the G20 and the bloc’s other major emerging markets. The prospects are bleak for those countries now forming the epicentre of coronavirus transmissions, particularly India, Brazil, and South Africa.

Through this webcast you’ll learn about:

  • What are the common risk factors that will dictate how quickly G20 bloc members will return to their long-run growth trend, and what does that mean for investors and multinationals?
  • How significant a barrier do corruption and civil unrest risks pose to major economies’ recoveries, and do we see these risks escalating or deteriorating over the next six months?
  • What’s at stake if the G20’s emerging economies experience a prolonged economic slowdown?


  • David Wille, Principal Analyst, Financial Sector Risk
  • James Lockhart Smith, Director, Financial Sector Risk