BlackRock backs TCFDs - but are companies prepared?

BlackRock's CEO, Larry Fink, spelled out in a letter to executives what the financial industry has known for a while: that climate risk will be an integral part of investor conversations from now on. It's clear momentum has built around the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFDs) in the years since they were first unveiled. But, despite the growing number of initiatives designed to support this process and the urgent calls from Blackrock and others to accelerate implementation, organisations are still struggling to identify, understand, and disclose the climate-related risks and opportunities facing their operations and supply chains.

Key sticking points remain around stress-testing business operations and strategies against future scenarios as well as integrating climate into management strategies. The latest TCFD progress report shows some small improvement in both areas, but the pace is still far too slow given investor demands and the number of countries seeking to make TCFD-aligned disclosures mandatory.

Whether starting your TCFD journey, refining your analysis, or improving your disclosures, taking action today will help satisfy investors and stay ahead of regulatory changes, while identifying potential new business opportunities opening up.

Download our five step guide to delivering data-driven TCFD-aligned disclosures of physical climate risks to ensure you stay ahead of the curve when it comes to climate risks.

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Will Nichols

Head of Climate and Resilience